Discover the humimeter Series: The Future of Moisture Measurement


Welcome to humimeter - a revolutionary product line from Schaller Messtechnik. Leveraging decades of experience and constant innovation, we have developed the humimeter series, a breakthrough in the field of moisture measurement​​.


The humimeter series sets the bar higher with its extended measuring ranges, increased resolution, and unparalleled calibration accuracy to the relevant reference materials. These enhanced performance features signify a new era in moisture measurement technology​​.


Our humimeter series stands out with its long-lasting stability of moisture and temperature sensors, rapid measurement capabilities, and multilingual menus - English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, and many more languages available upon request​1.


Each device within this special series offers a myriad of unique advantages catered to specific application areas. They are easily identifiable by their distinctive blue design and are renowned for their high precision in moisture measurement​1​.

We have produced and delivered thousands of customer-specific humimeter moisture meters to industrial clients, universities, and research institutions worldwide. This testament to our global reach speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction​.


Quality is of utmost importance to us. Our humimeter moisture meters are deployed worldwide across various industries where moisture content control is crucial. Given the broad range of applications, each device must adhere to our high-quality standards​.


Our commitment to quality is embodied in our motto - 'Where there is responsibility in moisture measurement, there is also quality.' This standard is assured by our dedicated development and production processes, carried out at our business location in Austria​.



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